Women and jewellery are simply inseparable, and who would know best than Sony Chan? To her, real preciousness and luxury is beyond price.. Her latest book, “INACHETABLE”, is a celebration of some of her favourite jewellery collection. From the humble two-euro ring to the stunning runway edition earrings, each one is her own sparkling time capsule of memories. A fashion statement/personal reflection as bold and entertaining as herself, because after all, you are what you wear, right?
女人與首飾從來是雙生兒,從5歲買到45歲,Sony Chan眼中沒有品牌大小之分,只有品味高低之別。《買到呢》紀錄了她的部份珍藏,有2歐元的戒指,也有Runway限定的非賣品耳環,讓大家一睹已絕版的殿堂級首飾。每件珍品紀錄了Sony在香港和法國的難忘回憶,演繹了 you are what you wear 的真諦。
Delivery Date: 25 March 2021